Tuesday, February 26, 2008

CRASH-ing Follies

Bernard Tschumi's La Villette follies involved the superimposition of a point-grid onto the site that establishes links to nodal points of circulation.

My design approach is to go beyond the the technique of superimposition and instead investigate the formal qualities produced with the CRASH-ing of forms into the site (landscape + existing blocks).


My studies on the site has shown a trend of black/white; family/singles displacements with scant social interaction between people around the area.

What better way to 'force' social interaction is there than 'crashing' people together?

CRASH-ing invokes the notions of collisions/destruction but also it creates new formal strategies that is iterated in Maya through softbody dynamics.

CRASH01 - Follie to Corner of Existing Block

CRASH02 - Follie to Center of Existing Block

CRASH03 - Follie to Site Ground

Hence the follies are no longer objects in the site but parasitic intrusions on the existing block that deforms the existing gentrified blocks, a new urban relationship is established.

These follies would then be meshed to create structure and fenestration with a connective hair-like membrane weaving through and between them.

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